Recycled telephone poles


The Nicaraguans are known for their ability to repurpose things or fix anything with duct tape and bailing twine. It has inspired us to be more creative in our efforts to build and fit out our equestrian operation.

With over 1.7 km of fencing for the paddocks at our new stables, we were in need of a lot of posts. Nicaragua can be surprisingly environmentally conscious and there is considerable documentation to verify your wood is certified. And so when we got word that they were changing wooden telephone poles for new concrete ones, we sourced some for our fences. Besides the work to remove all the staples and metal, these were the perfect posts for our new RAMM fencing installation.

Our tack room is also graced with beautiful Guanacaste wood of a tree that had fallen last year during the storms. It had been waiting and drying until we needed it to fit out the stables. The wood created a gorgeous richness for the walls as well as all the saddle racks. And there was even enough left over to create some benches and a beautiful desk for the new office.


And artistically, we got creative for the new bathrooms as the stables. Check out this idea we used for toilet paper holders.

Horse Bit Toilet Paper

Recycle. Upcycle. Be Creative. It is Nicaragua afterall.